"A meditative practice for developing inner awareness, deep relaxation & transformation” Satyananda
Saturday's 20th June - 18th July | 10.30am - 12pm
The Course Includes:
* A brief introduction to the history & philosophy
* The stages of Yoga Nidra
* Sankalpa - setting your own intention for practice
* Gentle asana & pranayama to prepare
* Yoga Nidra practice sessions
* Audio recordings of the Yoga Nidra practices for home use
* Group discussion & supporting handouts
* Certificate of attendance
When & where
Saturday Morning’s 20th June - 18th July | 10.30am - 12pm | Online via Zoom
The cost is £75 per person for the course including audio recordings
* Minimum & maximum numbers apply
Open level - no prior experience needed
Anna holds the BWY Yoga Nidra Teaching Certificate & BWY Diploma
Please get in touch for further info - asoulfulspace@gmail.com
Hear What Previous Course Participants Have to Say
“I attended Anna’s wonderful Intro to Yoga Nidra course in 2019 with a great group of likeminded people. I found it extremely beneficial on all levels - it taught me some wonderful life lessons especially in terms of the importance of total relaxation and deep breathing. The bonus for me was to receive the recording of each class to allow me to practice from home”
Anne Walsh
“Anna’s course is very well structured - an excellent introduction to the fundamental elements of yoga nidra. This wonderful form of meditation leaves one feeling deeply centred, focused, calm & relaxed”
Tsyrina Tan
“I would thoroughly recommend Anna’s Yoga Nidra course. I wanted to gain a deeper understanding of the meditative side of yoga. Over the weeks a lovely environment was generated by Anna as we learnt about the philosophy and history of the practice. After the postures, the deep relaxation sessions and thinking of our own intentions for the practice I felt I had understood a little more about my journey with my own sense of awareness. I still use the recordings and would definitely recommend it to others”
"I highly recommend Anna's Introduction to Yoga Nidra course which both gifted me treasured memories and gave me practical tools for ongoing private practice. Thank you Anna."
Bernie A

“Yoga Nidra - The Blissful Relaxation"
Swami Satyananda Saraswati
"Most people sleep without resolving their tensions,
This is termed nidra.
Nidra means sleep, no matter what or why,
But yoga nidra means sleep after throwing off the burdens,
It is of a blissful, higher quality altogether.
When awareness is separate and distinct from the vrittis,
When waking, dream and deep sleep pass like clouds,
Yet awareness of atma remains,
This is the experience of total relaxation.
Relaxation does not mean sleep.
Relaxation means to be blissfully happy,
It has no end.
I call bliss absolute relaxation;
Sleep is a different matter.
Sleep gives only mind and sense relaxation.
Bliss relaxes the atma, the inner self;
That is why, in tantra,
Yoga nidra is the doorway to samadhi.”